Please find some additional information about Year 1 below. 

School Diaries 

Please send your child’s school diary in every day. These can be used to pass messages on between home and school. It would be particularly useful to also note any changes in going home arrangements too. 

Reading Books 

Reading books will be changed every Monday . Children will be given a VIPERS focus question and two reading books to read at home throughout the week. The two books are known as a ‘My Book’ and an ‘Our Book’. The ‘My Book’ is a book matched to your child’s phonics knowledge or a coloured level bookThese books are used to boost your child’s fluency when reading aloud and encouraging them to segment and blend words. 

The ‘Our Book’ is a book that the children choose themselves from our class library. This should be read alongside an adult and aims to boost children’s interest and love of reading.

Water Bottles 

Children are to bring their bottles in on a Monday and keep them in school all week. They can take them home again on a Friday to be washed over the weekend. Please make sure that these are clearly labelled. 

Wellies/Outdoor Shoes 

We are fortunate to have beautiful grounds at Ovingham CE First School and we use them at every possible opportunity, whatever the weather! We ask that children have a pair of wellies or sturdy outdoor shoes that are kept in school for these occasions.  


Our Wednesday PE session delivered by the NUFC Foundation. Children can come into school wearing their kit on a Wednesday. We will also have a short PE lesson on a Friday. Children will need to bring their kits with them to change into. This half term we will be focusing on throwing and catching and would aim to use the outdoor spaces where possible. Please ensure your child brings appropriate layers for this. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to chat to us at the start or end of the school day. Alternatively, you can write a message in your child’s diary or contact our school office by phoning 01661 832581 or emailing [email protected]