Our Vision

We are proud to be an inclusive Church of England School, a community for all where we give everyone the opportunity to flourish and thrive. We aim to offer an inspiring curriculum of the highest possible standard to help all children achieve their full potential. Our beautiful environment and position within our local community provide a unique and broad range of experiences.


Our Values


Our faith in God’s goodness allows us to believe in our own capacity for good.  Our faith in God’s forgiveness allows us to confidently accept challenges, own our mistakes and learn from our experiences.  Our faith in God as Trinity guides us in building a learning community where all delight in the flourishing of others.




Faith builds hope.  Hope that all in our learning community can fulfil their God given potential.  Hope that all situations can be made better by intentional care, attention and action.  Hope that day by day each person in our school can become more fully who they are called to be.



God is Love. To show us love, God became human in Jesus. We respond to that revelation of love by seeking to model loving relationships and actions to one another. Love requires us to be inclusive of all irrespective of religious beliefs; we welcome people of all faiths and none. We seek to make love a real, practical and effective reality in our school